2015년 3월 12일 목요일

10 Ways To Look Taller

I watch a lot of tutorial videos on youtube and this is one of them.
In this video they talk about 10 ways to look taller
It is impossible to get taller as you are grown up but they tell us
on how to trick to look tall and be fashionable at the same time!

I find it interesting because it helps me on getting information
whenever I need and gives some tips on things I like.
Fashion, Beauty, Health and Diet, Design and etc.
In this video, the youtuber talks slowly so I could hear her very clearly.
There are subtitles on important message she want to talk about so it helps me
on learning English as well. 

Language Learning Points

1. It is so much easier to learn a language with subject that you are interested in!

2. Watch or Use media daily but not too long to get bored.

3. Don't try to understand everything they say but to figure out by their gestures and background.


댓글 1개:

  1. I gotta wear like that cuz I'm short one.... Is there any video for men?
